Strategic partnership "NewAgroNet" PHOTOS

Thursday January 14, 2021, the Regional Federation of MFR of Brittany and the MFR of Fougères participated in a meeting "Kick off meeting project NewAgroNet" with Liceul Tehnologic „Jacques M. Elias” (Romania); Istituto Vergani Navarra (Italy) and Area Europa scarl (Italy). As part of a 2020-2022 strategic project funded by Europe and supported by the Federació de Cooperatives Agràries de Catalunya and EFA La Malvesia (Spain).

The objective of “NewAgro Net” is to develop innovative educational resources for agricultural teachers specifically adapted to the needs of future agricultural entrepreneurs.

#newagronet, #strategicpartnership; Farmers of Brittany; INRAE; #produce otherwise; #farmersterritories

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